The ERC-20 token behind gaming's attention economy
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The ERC-20 token behind gaming's attention economy
Last updated
$TRIBAL Contract Address: 0xe13E40e8FdB815FBc4a1E2133AB5588C33BaC45d
Tribally have launched $TRIBAL, elevating our on-platform rewards currency to one which can be truly owned and traded freely between gamers as an ERC-20 token.
The introduction of $TRIBAL allows the Tribally toolkit to offer peer-to-peer value transfer capabilities between gamers and games developers, and introduces some important characteristics for our success and long-term sustainability:
Tribally becomes a functioning peer-to-peer marketplace of gamers' time and attention
Members of the Tribally network are able to share in its value via staking
Games and developers alike are able to transfer value freely between each other to allow more innovation in growth strategy
Allows games developers full transparency into how their growth budget is being spent
$TRIBAL's value accrual model is based upon platform commission being generated on three different categories of token spend: Campaigns, Token Sinks and Battle Pass. Any commission generated is then split between staking rewards (i.e. yield) and burn (i.e. supply deflation). Battle passes are required for gamers to bridge tokens off-platform and so provide a baseline of commission, whereas campaigns and token sinks are growth levers which will catalyse value accrual into $TRIBAL as we scale them up.