
Creator-centric gaming groups to facilitate social gaming, team questing and monetisation

A Tribe is a gaming sub-community, led by an influential gamer or content creator, who consume content, perform team quests and earn rewards together. Tribes allow creators to prove their value to games in a data-driven way, and ultimately monetize more effectively.

Owners can monetise their Tribe by ensuring members complete Tribe quests - team-level objectives that must be completed within a given timeframe in return for a reward. Tribe owners have autonomy over how to divide and distribute the reward between their Tribe, opening up a social meta-game where creators must find a balance between boosting their own share of the rewards versus retaining Tribe members.

Users can spend $TRIBAL to subscribe as a VIP member of any given Tribe to gain access to private content and access to greater shares of the Tribe's rewards pool.

Tribally will provide games with Tribe analytics to highlight the creators who are delivering the most value, and in turn, provide those creators with more opportunity.

Last updated